Extremely hot weather is invariably associated with alifeless desert. However, not all desert areas of our planet can claim thetitle of the hottest regions. There are many cities, where people have beingliving for hundreds of years. Some regions with high temperature becameattractions of global importance; those are very popular among tourists. Itwould be difficult to determine the hottest place on the planet exactly,because large-scale research in this area has begun quite recently. Manyimportant discoveries in the field of climate anomalies are now possible thanksto modern technology. Those who aren’t afraid of sultry weather are sure tovisit one of the hottest places on the planet, as each of them has its amazingfeatures.
Review of OrangeSmile.com experts: The hottest places in the world -Lut desert, El Azizia, Dallol, Kebili and others: http://www.orangesmile.com/extreme/en/hottest-places/index.htm
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